
Gerardo Huertas - Tech Entrepreneur


Soy Gerardo Huertas, panameño de nacimiento, tengo 30 años. Soy empresario y también emprendedor social.

I'm 100% sure that the purpose behind my entrepreneurial path is to empowering youth through education and entrepreneurship, with a focus on creating innovation and generating sustainable development.

Me apasiona la tecnología y la innovación. Me dedico a ayudar a emprendedores y MiPymes que buscan transformarse digitalmente, así como también aplico mis conocimientos y mi experiencia en todos mis negocios.

La realidad es que NO necesitas un departamento sofisticado de Innovación con altos costos. Para innovar, necesitas menos de lo que realmente piensas. Hablemos, para diseñar juntos la estrategia de innovación con pequeñas soluciones iterativas, que puedan optimizar tu modelo de negocio, digitalizar procesos y lograr la transformación digital para aumentar la rentabilidad; mientras se crea el modelo de negocio disruptivo y sostenible del futuro.

Mi experiencia de más de 12 años en ingeniería de software, innovación corporativa, E-Commerce y desarrollo web, me ayudan a identificar oportunidades de mejora en toda la estructura empresarial y ayudarte a entregar resultados medibles.

My WHY? Simple.

I have 4 passions that led me to start my path

The education, entrepreneurship, the innovation and sports.

These passions were important to start my entrepreneurial path since 2013,with the constitution of the Young Entrepreneur Association of Panama AJOEM. The rest is history.

These passions are an important part of my WHY


It is a mechanism to empower people. Generate knowledge, learning, new experiences, personal and professional growth and capacity building. El enfoque es en el SER.


Entrepreneurship is a way to create art. There are many definitions. For me it is simple, to plan and execute. It is the call to action, to take the next step, create solutions, solve problems and generate added value. The focus should EXECUTION. Go and try.


Innovation for me is a culture. A Mindset. It should focus on people and their ability to identify improvements, be creative and connect dots that lead to better results. Think outside the box, from the traditional to the disruptive. Everything can be improved.


Sports for me are a vehicle to be more efficient. Create new habits that help improve the physical condition, keep the mind fresh and take care of your health. If we take care of our body, we will be able to perform much better in whatever we do.

My professional experience

Más de 12 años de experiencia profesional en sectores de Ingeniería de software, Desarrollo de Negocios, Innovación corporativa, Alianzas comerciales, Comercio Electrónico, Gestión de programas educativos, Ecosistemas de emprendimiento, Responsabilidad Social Empresarial e Innovación Social.

Founder - Young Entrepreneurs Association of Panama AJOEM

Since 2014, a group of young people started the Association of Young Entrepreneurs AJOEM, under the motto "Learn so you can DO", highlighting the importance of education as a mechanism for empowering youth and entrepreneurship as a call to action. Solve problems and generate value.

Founder - Panama Virtual Business

Since 2015, my passion for innovation led me to start the company Panama Virtual Business, as a group of consultants and experts in innovation and specialists in Software engineering. With a wide range of services and products from ERP, CRM, E-Learning, among others. Panama, USA, Israel and Latam.

Consultant – Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Quality Leadership University of Panama QLU

I'm currently the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Consultant of the Quality Leadership University board, participating in the design, execution and measurement of training, incubation and acceleration programs for companies and StartUps with QLU.

Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer – ALL IN OFFICE PTY

Co-founder and Director of Technology & E-Commerce of the company ALL IN OFFICE PTY, dedicated to the manufacture, marketing and maintenance of high quality office furniture.

Consultor de Innovación – Independiente

I have participated in the digital transformation of multiple companies in a personal capacity, identifying opportunities for optimization, disruption and generating strategies to achieve a culture of innovation from the base of the business structure, the people..

Founder - Alliance to boost entrepreneurship in Panama

A public-private alliance supported by more than 20 organizations, which forms an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation focused on facilitating business development, with investment, support and professional advicing.

Founding member – National Entrepreneurship Council of Panama

Since 2015 I have been part of the tactical, technical and operational boards of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Panama. Being the youngest member, I made constructive contributions in the formulation of the national entrepreneurship policy, the beginning of the National Council for Entrepreneurship.

President - "Growth services" committee of the National Entrepreneurship Council of Panama

Due to our commitment to entrepreneurship and youth, AJOEM was voted by majority to lead the Growth service axis of the National Entrepreneurship Council, where more than 60 organizations and civil, public and private entities discuss innovation and entrepreneurial efforts at a national level.

Software Engineering

I am passionate about continuous learning and new technologies. Since 2018 I started my path in software with responsive web design and development, I am currently a full stack JR developer, managing the backend and frontend of multiple web applications. With experience in HTML5, CSS3, Php, Laravel, Python, Javascript, React JS, Django, Amazon Web services, NodeJS.

Fulbright Alumni / Young Leader of the Americas

Finalist of the Fulbright scholarship of the Young Leaders of the Americas Program YLAI 2016, a program created by President Barack Obama, organized by the US Department Of State & Meridean Entrepreneurship Center, Washington DC, Portland, Dallas TX.

Mashav Israel Alumni

Finalist of the Mashav scholarship of the Program for Innovation and Acceleration of StartUps in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, by the Mashav International Development Cooperation Agency & Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem.

ASEP Certified Broadcaster

I am an broadcaster certified by the Public Services Authority of Panama.

International keynote speaker

More than 100 hours of conferences at the level of Panama, the United States and Israel, sharing topics related to Entrepreneurship, Education and Innovation

Executive Presentations and Corporate Alliances

My experience leading public-private alliances has led me to participate and lead important corporate alliances and present multiple initiatives for senior executives at a national and international level.

Public Policy Consultant – Entrepreneurship

I am currently a Consultant for the My SME Regional Policy of the SICA Region (Project sponsored by the European Union and developed by the Center for the promotion of the Micro, Small and Medium enterprise CENPROMYPE.

Entrepreneurship is the art of creating

Para mi, el emprendimiento es una forma de crear arte, se resuelven problemas, se construyen proyectos y se genera valor agregado. Emprender es dar el paso adicional, diseñando el futuro que quisieras ver. Todo se resume en: Planificar, Ejecutar y Medir.


Young people trained by AJOEM

Since 2014, I founded the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Panama, which has impacted more than 7,400 entrepreneurs nationally and internationally.

+100 k

in funding

To promote entrepreneurship in the youth of Panama

Academic knowledge

Un resumen de más de 12 años acumulando conocimientos que aplico todos los días en mis proyectos, labores y gestiones profesionales. Siempre procurando mantenerme actualizado de las últimas tendencias y las mejores prácticas de la industria.

International Commerce and Logistics Degree

Latin University of Panama (2012 - 2017)

Master in Finance

University of Chile & Quality Leadership University (2020 - 2022)

Especialización en Docencia Superior

Quality Leadership University (2023 – Curso)

Lic. Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

Universidad del Istmo (UDI), 2024 – curso

Diplomado – Gestión & Innovación de Cooperativas

USMA University 2020

Course on Corporate Finance and Capital Markets

University of Chile (January 2021)

Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative YLAI

US Department of State, Meridean Entrepreneurship Center Washington DC (2016)


Venture Capital Analyst – VC

Entry Level VC academy (2024)

Incubation Co Manager – InnovAction StartUp Program

Bridge for Billions, BID Lab (2023)

Course – Data Analytics applied to Business with Python

University of Chile (January 2021)

Seminar – Workshop Leadership for Regional Integration

European Union, Center for the promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (2019)

International Workshop - Training Catalysts

Agora Partners, Impact Hub Mexico, US Department of State, US Embassy in Mexico, Mexico City (2019)

International Conference on Business Innovation ICB33

International Business Association, US Department of State, Minneapolis (2019)

IV Foro de Empresas «Propiedad Industrial e Intercionalización»

Organización mundial de Propiedad Intelectual – OMPI, Camara de Comercio de Lima (2019)

Business Incubation Global Summit – BIG SUMMIT

International Business Association, US Department of State, Minneapolis (2019)

Innovation and Acceleration of StartUps in the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Israel & Mashav (2018)

Lean Canvas / Design Thinking Certification

Central American Integration System SICA in collaboration with CENPROMYPE (2016)

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

Hatch Innovation Portland Oregon, World Oregon (2016)

Management of Entrepreneurship Centers – Entrepreneurship Center Management Workshop

Hatch Innovation Portland Oregon, World Oregon (2016)

Professional Broadcaster Training

National Authority of Public Services ASEP, Universidad Latina de Panamá (2016)

Creativity is generating ideas, innovation is applying them.

Innovation is sometimes thought of as finding a super disruptive idea, a revolutionary idea, an invention, the next Google or Facebook. For me, innovation is generating a culture, a change of chip, it is discipline, it is questioning the basics and transforming it.

Gerardo Huertas en los medios

Prensa y noticias

Rostros que sueñan la ciudad

Link de la nota  El presidente de la Asociación de Jóvenes Emprendedores (AJOEM) trabaja por una ciudad más ambiciosa. La formación de líderes que aporten soluciones reales para los

AJOEM presenta el ?Hatch Innovation Panamá City?

El proyecto ?Hatch Innovation Panamá City?, un centro de innovación con espacio de co-working, donde jóvenes emprendedores serán incubados y acelerados a través de innovadores programas, fue presentado por

El Jueves Emprendedor por AJOEM

Más de de 75 emprendedores participaron en el primer ?Jueves Emprendedor? realizado por la Asociación de Jóvenes Emprendedores de Panamá (AJOEM). Estos eventos se realizan con el porpósito de

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